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Are you looking for employment opportunities in Shippensburg? Choose from over 18 Shippensburg careers today!

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Bakery Manager

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Seafood Lead

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Jobaline has 18 job openings in Shippensburg you can apply for with our easy-to-use online application. You’ll find part-time and hourly jobs in neighborhoods across Shippensburg, PA. Whether you are looking for seasonal employment or a new full-time job, we can help you get hired today.

Jobaline makes finding employment fast and easy. Applying only takes a few minutes, and you can even send your job application through text messaging on your mobile device. Simply find the job you want by searching on Jobaline, complete the three-step application process, and then send it.

Find your next job in no time on Jobaline. No ads or solicitations, just real, open jobs.